What’s up guys this is Harshtih and in this article, I will be sharing some of my favorite ZSH Themes.
Starship is a minimal fast shell platform for most of the shells like Bash, ZSH, Fish, and more.
I have talked about Starship and I used Starship for more than a year
Starship uses Nerd Font to display icons in the terminal.
My personal favorites are ->
- Fira Code
- Recursive Mono
- Jet Brains Mono
- Victor Mono
- Meslo Mono
Starship is very customizable and the configuration can be changed by creating a file in ~/.config/starship.toml
when I was using Starship I changed my shell prompt account by adding the following
success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)"
Powerlevel 10k is one of the most popular and customizable ZSH Themes.
Preceded by Powerlevel9k it is by far the best ZSH theme I can think of.
Although it is universally compatible it does require certain features like Nerd Font and a compatible terminal.
More about that here
It also has dozens of built-in “segments” or add-ons that add more functionalities like battery, disk usage, ram, and many more
If you are a fan of minimalism then this theme is for you.
Both packed with add=ons and minimalism “Common” theme is my personal favorite and my current theme too.
There is not much to talk about all you need is there in one theme. But It can’t be compared to the other two because of its different perspective