What’s up guys this is Harshith and in this article, I will be showing you how you can install Starship. A clean and modern ZSH prompt with powerline fonts
First, make sure you have the following before you install zsh.
Then install it using
Note that you need Git before you can install Oh My ZSH
Now install Oh My ZSH
We have installed zsh but to change it as the default shell execute this command
Note: This command requires root privileges
Now to install Starship execute the following
Agree to all the required question
Navigate to your home folder using
You will have a file called .zshrc
Replace the content of the file using nano ~/.zshrc
with this
To exit Nano use Ctrl + X
then Y
and Enter
Once you have exited execute the following to run source .zshrc
Note: I have used a plugin called ZSH Auto suggestions and it can be installed with
and adding
to the .zshrc
I use the following for my Shell
Terminal -> Konsole (Default for KDE)
Font -> Operator Mono
Theme -> Dracula